
Vijay Solanki
University of Glasgow
Thurs 9th March 2017

What is Neurophonetics?

''Neurophonetics deals with neurogenic impairments of the motor act of speaking and of the perceptual processes of spoken language understanding, with the aim of unravelling the neural organization of speech motor control and speech perception.''

(Ziegler 2008: 491)

''Neurophonetics aims at the elucidation of the brain mechanisms underlying speech communication in our species''

(Hertrich & Ackermann 2013)

''To the extent that phonetics is a subdiscipline of linguistics, neurophonetics can be viewed as a subdiscipline of neurolinguistics''

(Ziegler 2008)

Lecture Outline

  1. Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain
  2. The WLG Model
  3. Modern Advances
    1. Where?
    2. How?
  4. Conclusion

Warning slide

There will be some bloody(ish) images

Anatomy and physiology of the brain

Illustration for Ned the Neuron, published by Kizoom in 2012.

The brain is made of NEURONS and GLIAL CELLS (but glial cells are not discussed here)

NEURONS are arranged into layers which allow for the efficient transfer of information, carried as electrical impulses

NEURONAL LAYERS in different areas are arranged to maximise processing efficiency for the functions that they are required to perform and provide the basis for the larger structures of the brain


Neurons transmit information to other neurons or muscles (via the brain stem)

FIRING: electrical ACTION POTENTIAL travels down AXON to SYNAPSE (junction)

A NEUROTRANSMITTER is released which either EXCITES or INHIBITS the post-synaptic cell

MYELIN encases important connections, both to protect vital information transfer routes and to speed up transmission of the action potential

                  Web source 1.

Neuronal Layers

Web source 2.

Neurons are arranged into layers specific to the functions that they are required to perform

Neurons that perform similar functions are LOCALISED to a particular region of the brain

Brain Structure

Genes to Cognition Online

The Cerebrum

Cerebrum = 2 hemispheres

Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes:

  • Frontal
  • Parietal
  • Temporal
  • Occipital

The cerebral cortex

Cerebral cortex = surface of cerebrum

Cortex can be roughly divided into areas of functions

e.g. language, personality, vision, audition, motor and sensory functions

Photograph by Robert Ludlow. Wellcome Trust Image Awards winner 2012.

Left & right hemispheres

Equal size/proportion, but different white/grey matter structures

Different networks of connectivity

Some functions are the same:
MOVEMENT SENSATION Planning & execution cross sides
However, some functions are different across the two hemispheres…

Left Brain – Right Brain


Nielsen, et al. (2013)

Hemispheric functions

Each hemisphere has specific processing strengths, eg:

Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere
Important for language processing, mathematical functioning Important for processing visual and spatial information
(Hervé, et al. 2013, Jolles et al. 2015) (Hervé, et al. 2013)

Within the cerebrum

Cortex (cerebrum surface):

  • Grey matter (nerve cell bodies)
  • Some white matter

Subcortical areas:

  • Grey matter
  • White matter fibres (eg.):
    • Corpus Callosum (connects right and left hemispheres)
    • Arcuate Fasciculus
      (connects motor and sensory cortices)

The WLG Model

Phineas Gage

1823-1861, accident in 1848

Phineas Gage (1848)

Diagram of injury to Phineas Gage Diagram of injury to Phineas Gage
Van Horn (2012)

Phineas Gage (1848)

Trauma to frontal lobe

One of first cases to highlight role of frontal lobe in:

  • Personality
  • Emotional regulation
  • Decision making / Problem solving

What does this suggest?
  • Specific brain functions are grouped in specialised regions
  • We say that brain function is LOCALISED

Brain Pathology and Language


Loss or impairment of the ability to produce or comprehend language, due to brain damage

Various types:

  • Global
  • Broca’s/motor
  • Wernicke’s/jargon/anomic

Broca & Wernicke

Paul Broca

Paul Broca (1824-1880)

Broca’s patient, ‘Tan’ – 1861:

Problem with production (only one syllable ‘tan’)

Large cyst in the left hemisphere (“mushy and deformed”)

Karl Wernicke

Karl Wernicke (1848-1905)

Wernicke’s patient – 1874:

Patient who could speak but couldn’t comprehend language

Lesion at the crossroads of 2 lobes of the brain

Broca’s Area


Frontal lobe - Inferior frontal gyrus

  • Pars opercularis
  • Pars triangularis
Brocas area, Anwander, et al. (2007)

Anwander, et al. (2007)

Broca’s Aphasia


  • Motor language area
  • Expression


  • Motor / non-fluent aphasia
  • Good comprehension, no/impaired speech
  • E.G. ‘boy go store’ vs ‘The boy has gone to the store’
  • Slow, laboured, ungrammatical speech
  • “yes…ah…Monday…ah…dad and…and…ah…hospital….and ah….Wednesday….Wednesday”

Broca’s Area

Photograph of the brain of Paul Broca’s patient called “Tan”

Tan lesion, view from left hemisphere Tan lesion, view from above

Wernicke’s Area


Temporal/Parietal lobe

  • Supramaringal gyrus
  • Angular gyrus
Wernicke area, Andoh, et al. (2008)

Andoh, et al. (2008)

Wernicke’s Aphasias


  • Sensory language area
  • Comprehension


  • Fluent / Receptive (cortical sensory) aphasia
  • Defect in comprehension, good spontaneous speech
  • Anomic aphasia - word finding difficulty
    • Slow, laboured, ungrammatical speech
    • Jargon aphasia - fluent, but unintelligible jargon

The WLG Model

Hagoort (2014), WLG model.

Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas are connected via the ARCUATE FASCICULUS

This view was dominant for more than a century and still carries weight today

It is known as the Wernicke-Lichtheim-Gerschwind Model (WLG model), named after those that helped to develop it

Hagoort (2014)


  • Broca’s area
    • Inferior frontal gyrus (frontal lobe)
    • Good comprehension but impaired speech
    • Seat of language production(?)
  • Wernicke’s area
    • Supramaringal/angular gyrus (temporal/parietal lobe)
    • Good production but defect in comprehension
    • Seat of language comprehension(?)
  • Both localised to left hemisphere
  • They operate together as part of a larger network

Modern Advances


Classic neuroimaging evidence about language processing

Scott (2000), spectrogram.

Scott, et al (2000)

Normal Speech (Sp)

Spectrally Rotated Speech (RSp)

Vocoded Speech (VCo)

Rotated vocoded Speech (RVCo)

Classic neuroimaging evidence about language processing

Scott (2000), spectrogram.

Scott, et al (2000)

Red = Responses to sounds with phonetic information

ie. Sp, RSp & VCo

Yellow = Responses to sounds that are intelligible

ie. Sp & VCo

Classic neuroimaging evidence about language processing

Findings of Davis and Johnsrude (2003)

Davis & Johnsrude (2003)

English sentences, distorted in a variety of ways.

Looked for correlations between blood flow and intelligibility of speech sounds

Left: intelligible speech vs noise

Right: responses to different forms of distortion

Classic neuroimaging evidence about language processing

Hickock (2004) diagram

Hickock & Poeppel (2004)

Superior Temporal Gyrus

  • Bilateral (both hemispheres)
  • Acoustic-phonetic forms

Dorsal Stream (left only)

  • Wernicke’s area
  • Broca’s area
  • Motor cortex
  • Articulatory forms

Ventral Stream (left only)

  • Posterior Inferior Temporal Lobe
  • Sound-meaning interface

Lateralisation of language functions

Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

Traditionally thought to be dominant for language processing

Preference for intelligible speech

Damage may spare production and comprehension, but can lead to problems with: pragmatic ability, prosody, speaker characteristics (phonagnosia), recognition of music & environmental sounds

Possibly more sensitive to phonetic form with better time resolution (limited evidence) Possibly more sensitive to speaker characteristics with better frequency resolution (limited evidence)

Zatorre, et al. (2002); Scott, et al. (2009); Francis & Driscoll (2006); Friederici (2011)

Lateralisation of language functions

Valaki (2004)

Spoken word recognition test, was used to establish cerebral dominance

Lateralisation (%Ss):

  • Spanish 100% left
  • English 80% left
  • Chinese 79% bilateral

(tone lang.)

Chinese English Spanish   

Valaki et al. (2004)

Language Processing Beyond the Cortex

Cerebellum Basal Ganglia Thalamus Hippocampus
Co-ordinates muscle groups to produce smooth speech & swallowing. Controls muscles of face, larynx, tongue and pharynx Inner chamber determines which sensory information to forward to cortex Long-term memory, language comprehension, word-generation
Helps integrate sensory perception and motor output. Damage can lead to lack of coordination and facial expression (e.g. Parkinson’s) Damage can lead to deficits in memory, attention, reduced spontaneous speech Damage (severe in Alzheimer's) can lead to word-finding difficulties
Damage can lead to slurring of speech Also disruption to rhythm and temporal processing

Neural correlates of phonetic skill

Born with an ear for dialects?

  • In naïve (English) listeners, an individual’s brain structure in left auditory cortex, parietal cortex, and left inferior frontal cortex partly predicts their ability to discriminate a difficult contrast (Hindi dental vs. retroflex)

    (Golestani et al., 2002, 2007)

  • In phoneticians, years of transcription experience correlate with size of left pars opercularis

    (Golestani et al., 2011)

  • Phoneticians are also more likely to have multiple or split left transverse gyri in auditory cortex (thought to develop in utero)


Phineas Gage - Modern Insights

Diagram of injury to Phineas Gage
Van Horn, et al. (2012)
Friederici (2011) – Web Link, Firefox & Chrome Only

Neuronal Oscillations

Neuron action potential gif Neuron action potential gif
Kim, et al. (2014)

Neuronal Coherence

Adapted from Fries (2005)
Also see: Bastos, et al. (2015); Brunet, et al. (2015)

Neuronal Entrainment

Giraud & Poeppel (2012)

Neuronal Entrainment

Giraud & Poeppel (2012)

Neuronal Entrainment

Giraud & Poeppel (2012)


“it takes the whole brain and, by extension, the whole person to participate in producing and perceiving a voice”

Sidtis & Kreiman (2011)


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Anwander, A., Tittgemeyer, M., von Cramon, D. Y., Friederici, A. D. & Knцsche, T. R. (2007). Connectivity-Based Parcellation of Broca's Area.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 17 (4), 816--25.

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Web Sources

